

Bergsommer (Originaltitel)

Quelle: Bergsommer.D6273.docx, IF 2022-08-20.
EYE Film Institute Netherlands (D6273)

Quelle: Bergsommer.D6273.docx, IF 2022-08-22.
Deutschland (production)

Quelle: NN: Bergsommer, in: Filmportal, (2022-09-30).
1942 (Datum der Erstpublikation)

Quelle: NN: Bergsommer, in: Filmportal, (2022-09-30).

Source: NN: Bergsommer, in: Filmportal, (2022-09-30).
• Partly staged, not to say stagy, film about a HJ camp in the Austrian mountains, where adolescents are instructed in mountain climbing. In honor of their Lagerführer’s birthday a group sets out for a tough mountain climb and return with Edelweiss. Contains the typical camaraderie and group spirit of Third Reich propaganda films. The fact that the camp is a rather autonomous, self-sufficient ‘society’, where the boys seem to provide for their own livelihood, is in line with this. All in all these elements make the film more propagandistic than educational.

• Some stupendous mountain scenery against which the boys look like heroes. The film is shot silent, with dialogue and sound effects added in the studio. As a matter of fact, some of the footage has a studio-feel, too, particularly when the background is out of focus and not a petal moves in an apparently windless space.

• Print lacks a distributor’s name or logo. This doesn’t necessarily rule out the possibility that the film was screened nontheatrically in the Netherlands. Its ending up in the collection of the then Nederlands Filmmuseum supports this suggestion (although Eye’s catalogue provides no information of its provenance).

(Nico de Klerk)

Quelle: Bergsommer.D6273.docx, JS 2023-04-01.

Quelle: JS 2023-02-06.
Musik im Off
Gebirge, Gewässer, Landschaften

Quelle: Bergsommer.D6273.docx, IF 2022-08-22.


Quelle: Bergsommer.D6273.docx, IF 2022-08-22.

Wieser Film (Produzent*in)

Quelle: Bergsommer.D6273.docx, IF 2022-08-22.

Eduard Wieser (Regisseur*in)

Quelle: Bergsommer.D6273.docx, IF 2022-08-22.

Albert Höcht (Kameraperson)

Quelle: Bergsommer.D6273.docx, IF 2022-08-22.

Hans Diernhammer (Musik von...)

Quelle: Bergsommer.D6273.docx, IF 2022-08-22.

Tobis Klangfilm (TON)

Quelle: Bergsommer.D6273.docx, IF 2022-08-22.
Bergsommer (AVManifestation)

ID: EDU_AVM_0819

Art der Medientechnologie: film

Quelle: Bergsommer.D6273.docx, IF 2022-08-22.

Sprache: German (spoken words)

Quelle: Bergsommer.D6273.docx, IF 2022-08-22.

German (Zwischentitel)

Quelle: Bergsommer.D6273.docx, IF 2022-08-22.

Anmerkung: technical details: ‘rain’

(Nico de Klerk)

Quelle: Bergsommer.D6273.docx, IF 2022-08-22.

Herkunft: analog

Quelle: Bergsommer.D6273.docx, IF 2022-08-22.

Trägertyp:: acetate

Quelle: Bergsommer.D6273.docx, IF 2022-08-22.

Digitales Format::


Gauge: 35 mm

Quelle: Bergsommer.D6273.docx, IF 2022-08-22.

Umfang: 512 meter

Quelle: Bergsommer.D6273.docx, IF 2022-08-22.

1 Rollen

Quelle: Bergsommer.D6273.docx, IF 2022-08-22.

Dauer:: 19m 0.0s

Quelle: Bergsommer.D6273.docx, IF 2022-08-22.

Sound: yes

Quelle: Bergsommer.D6273.docx, IF 2022-08-22.

Farbe: (S/W)

Quelle: Bergsommer.D6273.docx, IF 2022-08-22.

Herkunft: EYE Film Institute Netherlands

Quelle: Bergsommer.D6273.docx, IF 2022-08-22.